fast food

  • signs on post say "fast food boulevard" and "evergreen terrace"

    Does more fast food in the neighborhood up diabetes risk?

    Living in an area with lots of fast-food spots is associated with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, research on veterans indicates.

  • A person eats fries and a hotdog against a white background

    Living near fast food doesn’t increase weight gain

    Living near fast food doesn't increase your chances of weight gain, researchers report. Likewise, living near a supermarket doesn't decrease the chances.

  • french fries in cups with presidential seal

    Trump’s love of fast food could sway American diets

    People who pay more attention to media coverage of what President Donald Trump eats are more likely to buy some fast food in the near future.

  • two rows of cheeseburgers on griddle

    11% of U.S. adult energy intake is fast food

    Menus have gotten bigger at fast food restaurants. Portions, salt content, and calorie counts have grown, too.

  • fast food burger and fries

    Eating out boosts your exposure to this harmful chemical

    Eating out a lot can expose you to more of a chemical used to make plastics—linked to a host of problems in kids and adults—than eating meals cooked at home.

  • blue fork, lots of french fries

    Food cues boost our cravings but not our pleasure

    The signals that amp up our need for French fries, for example, don't make them any more delicious.

  • Should more governments take aim at fast food?

    Policies that counter fast food consumption might offer governments a way to tackle the growing obesity epidemic, a new study proposes.