Medieval people had surprising ideas about eclipses
In medieval and Renaissance times, eclipses they were omens, predictors of the future, and windows into the workings of the universe.
Kids books are biased towards male protagonists
"While gender bias in children's books appears to have declined significantly over the years, we found that bias remains."
Print books beat tablets when reading to toddlers
When reading to young children, cuddling together over a good old-fashioned book beats story time on a tablet.
What Russian kids’ books can teach American parents
A look at children's books from Russia and the United States reveals a cultural difference regarding negative emotions.
Stories can shape moral values in kids
Exposure to stories that feature specific moral values, such as care, fairness, loyalty, and authority can influence the weight kids place on those values.
Dickens used ‘Christmas Carol’ to attack inequality
Behind the feel-good gloss and redemption of A Christmas Carol, lies an uncompromising message about wealth and inequality, a new book argues.
See 2 new pages from Darwin’s ‘Origin of Species’ draft online
You can check out handwritten pages from Charles Darwin's draft of his famous On the Origin of Species online, including 2 newly added pages.
Too many pictures hinder young kids’ reading
Extraneous pictures can draw young children's attention away from text and reduce reading comprehension in beginning readers, a new study shows.
‘Invisible words’ reveal a blueprint for all stories
Small, seemingly invisible words like "a," "it," and "the," show up in similar ways across all kinds of stories, researchers have found.
Ernest Hemingway’s letters reveal feuds and friendships
A new collection of Ernest Hemingway's letters show him harshly critiquing his friend F. Scott Fitzgerald and feuding with Gertrude Stein and others.
Experts: Spotlight on art is one upside of lockdowns
Whether taking in art or making it ourselves, long stays at home during the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to a new appreciation of the arts.
Kids remember more from animated digital books
Animated digital books that respond to children's voices can help kids get involved with their own learning and control the action