Breast milk antibodies protect against rotavirus
New research finds that antibodies in breast milk offer protection against rotavirus, which causes diarrhea, vomiting, and fever in infants.
After Trump’s 2016 election, more women of color gave birth early
"Trump's election appears to have affected the life chances of even the newest members of US society..."
Engineered plants may make baby formula more like breast milk
Researchers have programmed a close relative of tobacco plants to produce prebiotic sugars found in human breast milk.
First week of life is key for senses of smell and touch
Research in mice "demonstrates that early-life exposure to odor is essential for touch development and maturation."
Are newborns conscious of the world around them?
When babies blink, cry, and yawn, is it a sign they are conscious of the world around them? A bioethicist weighs in.
When new moms use cannabis, THC shows up in breast milk
“Breastfeeding parents need to be aware that if they use cannabis, their infants are likely consuming cannabinoids via the milk they produce..."
Mom’s immune status changes with how she feeds baby
Certain inflammatory proteins peak at different times of day, correlating with whether mothers breastfeed, pump, or formula-feed their babies.
Giving NICU babies Tylenol after surgery improves outcomes
Giving NICU babies acetaminophen instead of opioids following surgery resulted in fewer unplanned intubations and improved mortality rates.
‘Parentese’ chatter improves baby’s language later
Speaking to a baby in "parentese" and responding to babbles with smiles and eye contact is important for the baby's language development.
Birth defect discovery could advance early detection, prevention
A potential shift in what we know about the origins of birth defects could shed light on new targets for detection and prevention.
Touch boosts babies’ self-recognitition
Touch helps babies and toddlers learn self-awareness. The discovery could lead to interventions for kids with motor development delays.
Babies’ health suffered during infant formula shortage
When parents were forced to switch infant formula brands during a nationwide shortage, the health of some babies suffered, a new study finds.